Gas Conversion at Auburn Housing

This gas conversion projects requires installation of 20 high-efficiency condensing natural gas boilers to replace antiquated oil-fired boilers in Auburn public housing.

Gas Conversion

Ten pairs of high efficiency boilers were installed to replace the old oil burners. New water heaters, pumps, controls, and gas lines were installed. Old oil tanks, lines, and boilers were removed and disposed.


Before Image showing the old boilers and cluttered piping prior to gas conversion


After Image of a clean boiler room with high efficiency boilers installed after gas conversion

Natural gas is a safe, economical, and reliable fuel source. It’s produced domestically, and new high efficiency boilers may qualify for rebates and incentive programs to lower the cost of your gas conversion project.

Natural gas conversion will free up space in your boiler rooms. It’s a great opportunity to move piping and boilers into a better layout. High efficiency boilers have smaller exhaust stacks at lower temperatures, which also condenses the space used for your heating system. The boilers themselves are much smaller. All of these improvements allow you to shrink the footprint of your building’s heating system and have clean, easily maintained boiler rooms.

New projects can be designed and built by Damon Mechanical, starting with one of our project managers.