Damon Mechanical attended the Oxford Hills Chamber of Commerce Business to Business & Community Job Fair Expo to connect with local businesses and workers.
Category: Company News

AURA Heating System
Damon Mechanical installed a new HTP heating system in the new AURA venue in Portland Maine.

Cliff Damon Obituary
Clifford Leroy Damon, Jr.
Clifford Leroy Damon, 93, died on July 31, 2014 at his home in North Auburn, following several months of declining health.

Peg Damon recalls company history on Damon Mechanical’s 60th Anniversary
After more than 60 years, Damon Refrigeration Sales and Service now known as Damon Mechanical is owned and operated as a family business.
This narration was written in 2012 by Clarissa Damon, wife of the founder Clifford Damon.